AUTOGRAPHED DVD: Visions of Suffering: Final Director’s Cut


1 in stock



AUTOGRAPHED AND INSCRIBED Region 2 Italian DVD edition of Andrey Iskanov’s Visions of Suffering: Final Director’s Cut. Only one in stock.

Sasha is obsessed with death, necrophilia, and decaying human bodies. In an otherworldly forest he disturbs a demonic shaman who makes the line between our world and the demon realm shift.

At night the situation spirals out of control, becoming lethal when daytime is smashed, throwing the world into an eternal night of horrors. To save himself, Sasha ventures into a world without shapes, inhabited by tormenting vampires and seductive demons lurking in every shadow bringing death and annihilation in their path.

After several years of new recordings, endless months of editing and reorganization of the content, it is reborn and finally represents the true nightmare Iskanov always wanted the movie to be; Visions of Suffering – Final Directors Cut.

Includes Italian and English subtitles.



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